New Zealand Population

Population Distribution

As of 2023, the latest population of New Zealand is 4,925,477, based on our calculation of the current data from UN (United Nations).

Total population 4,925,477
Population growth rate 1.44%
Birth rate 13.20 births per 1,000 people
Life expectancy
Overall life expectancy 80.82 years
Men life expectancy 78.79 years
Women life expectancy 82.94 years
Age structure
0-14 years 19.62%
15-64 years 64.80%
65 years and above 15.57%
Median age 37.70 years
Gender ratio (Male to Female) 0.99
Population density 18.40 residents per km²
Urbanization 85.90%
74% European, 12% Asian, 7% Pacific, 15% Maori and others
Anglicans 24%, Presbyterians 18%, Catholics (Roman Catholic) 15%, Methodists 5%, Baptists 2%, Other Protestants 3%, unspecified or no religion 33%
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.921
HDI ranking 14th out of 194

People in New Zealand

About 4.6 million people live in New Zealand. However, the population density is very low. Around 16 people live per square kilometer. In comparison, 231 people live in one square kilometer in Germany. This means that New Zealand is much more densely populated than Australia, even if it is one of the less densely populated areas on earth. Around 86 out of 100 people live in or around the city. Most live in Auckland on the North Island and in the greater Auckland area. You will experience a colorful mixture of peoples from all possible nations. Here people from the South Pacific meet Asians, South Americans and Europeans. And then there are the locals, the kiwis.

The New Zealanders themselves call themselves “kiwis”, just like the fruit often planted there and the national bird of New Zealand.

Many New Zealanders are originally from Europe

By the way, 23 out of 100 New Zealanders were not born in New Zealand at all. 74 out of 100 people are Europeans, the majority of whom are from Great Britain. About 15 out of 100 are Maori and are one of New Zealand’s indigenous people. Five out of 100 belong to the Polynesians, i.e. come from the Polynesian area. There are also people from Asia. Although the Maori are legally equal to the white population, they are often enough still socially disadvantaged.

Incidentally, three quarters of New Zealand’s residents live on the smaller main island, the North Island. About a million people live on the South Island. The largest cities here are Christchurch and Dunedin and are located on the east coast of the South Island.

Languages in New Zealand

The country’s official languages ​​are English and Maori, with New Zealand sign language as a special feature. Most people can read and write and the health system is similar to ours, which is why the life expectancy of people with an average of 79 years is roughly equivalent to life expectancy in Germany.

Religions in New Zealand

Most New Zealanders are Christians and belong to various Christian churches such as the Anglican, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic and Methodist churches. But there are also small minorities of Hindus and Buddhists in New Zealand, as the proportion of the Asian population is now increasing. There are also many people in New Zealand who do not belong to any particular religious group.

New Zealand Overview

New Zealand, located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and outdoor adventure opportunities. Its capital city, Wellington, is known for its vibrant arts scene, thriving café culture, and picturesque harbor. New Zealand is famous for its breathtaking scenery, including the majestic Southern Alps, pristine beaches, and geothermal wonders such as Rotorua’s geysers and hot springs. The country’s Maori culture, with its rich traditions, haka dances, and intricate carvings, adds depth to New Zealand’s identity. With a strong emphasis on conservation, New Zealand offers visitors unparalleled opportunities for hiking, skiing, and exploring its pristine wilderness.

  • Capital City: Wellington
  • Population: Approximately 5 million
  • Area: 268,021 square kilometers
  • Full Country Name: New Zealand
  • Currency: New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
  • Language: English, Maori
  • ISO Country Codes: NZ, NZL

Bordering Countries of New Zealand

New Zealand is an island nation located in the south-western Pacific Ocean. It is bordered by two countries, Australia to the west and the Republic of Fiji to the east. The total area of New Zealand is 268,021 square kilometers with a population of around 4.9 million people. English and Maori are the official languages of New Zealand.

The bordering countries of New Zealand are Australia and Fiji. Australia borders New Zealand on its western side and this border has been in place since 1901 when both countries became part of the British Commonwealth. In terms of economic ties, Australia is one of the top trading partners for New Zealand since it exports machinery, chemicals and manufactured goods to them while also importing food products from them.

Fiji borders New Zealand on its eastern side and this border has been in place since 1970 when Fiji declared independence from British rule. There are strong cultural ties between both countries due to their shared history as well as close economic links due to their proximity. In terms of trade, Fiji imports dairy products from New Zealand while also exporting machinery and manufactured goods back to them.

New Zealand has strong diplomatic ties with both its bordering countries which have helped maintain peace in the region for many years now. Both countries have also signed several agreements such as those related to transportation, environment protection and investment promotion which have helped strengthen their relationship even further.